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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nama saya MIa Amalia :)

saya suka jadi diri saya, sebab saya tak perlu hipokrit....apa yang saya cakap, percayalah itu yang ada dalam kepala saya....tapi kadang kadang saya sendiri tak yakin, adakah apa yang saya cakap itu datang dari hati atau tidak... -.''

sometimes, eh bukan....most of the time kot....i will just shoot others by my sharp tongue and regret it after that....but i will never ask for the forgiveness eventhough i really want to do so...
sorry, it is my bad...please accept it...sungguh saya tak tipu.....

sorry to my friends and my family sebab saya selalu keras kepala...selalu tunjukkan ego dan kedegilan yang tak bertempat. some says itu tanda kebodohan, tp bagi saya kebodohan itu yang membuatkan saya rasa boleh membuat orang tak pandang sebelah mata....sebab u have to be aware ....

ini sekadar refleksi tentang perasaan saya sekarang, sebab saya rasa seperti mahu serang seseorang verbally, namun akal waras seperti menghalang....saya tak sebodoh itu...mungkin....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

In the midst of courtesy and manner

macha!!!! please check your 'mr dick' if you don't know the 
meaning of courtesy and manner.
I wonder for the common sense that you simply do not have. I give you my part, how about your part? Could it be shared? I once heard that 'sharing is caring' but I heard my daddy said 'to much care settles troublesome'.

Blurred! suffocated! for the words I could not speak. Could you simply understand me by my action? what is wrong with the phrase ' action speaks louder'? when u you do not understand my body language...

bla bla bla...i hate this current situation!


1. 16. 17. 62. 63.