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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


 (a'h macam dah tak reti beri salam dah kau ni mia) ok,

assalamualaikum semua

Happy September You guy's !!!  
 *or maybe it already September when you read it* yeah it is.. hahah

 Wow, it’s September people! Hallo Holly! I just realized this fact the moment I woke up this morning and thought about all of the invoices that I need to create. I’m a few days late though, aren’t I? In my head, it’s still August.

and I'm not excited at all..It should be a happy month for all Muslims people in the world, because Idil Fitri is coming in this September..But, I think it will be the worst Idil Fitri ever!! why i'm saying that? the reason is because I have to study and study and study for my trial..what the hell?!? (sorry tercakap pulak)
and that's mean I can't celebrate this Idil Fitri like before? So sad :((..
but it's ok.. kuih raya tetap jadi pilihan pertama ku.. 

I'm sorry to complain a lot about my study..but this fact is really killing me..  

buat anda semua yang mengenali diri mia

 PS:// Sempena hari yang mulia ini mia ingin memohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kesalahan yang telah mia lakukan  … sama ada tertegurr.. atauu termarahh … atauu termakann ..atau terminumm …harap dapat maaff kann dann jugakk halal kan … (semuanya ter dan termasuk yang disengajakan)



  1. salam . sayang . ta mahu un un yeah . hee
    IMY lil sis :)

  2. study,study juga..
    raya,raya juga..
    anggap je raya tu alasan untuk rehat sebentar..
    relaxkan otak..

  3. kak fida : mia juga rindu akak..
    un,un pasty
    kak tim : hahaa nanti mia nak bawak uih raya sambil jawab spm..
    boleh tak??

  4. mia.. windu kamo... slamat hari raye.. yay raye bape ari je lgi hehe *dr 1st raye da ckp cmni hehe



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