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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Barsedia Untuk Jatuh cinta?

oh bukan mia, mia dah terjatuh tergolek dah pon,
now this is for girls out there! Girls ya.. bukan wanita ,
sebab cowok gantang yang  ingin mia perkenalkan ini adalah lelaki yang
lahir pada tahun 1990 and he is from indonesia =)
are you ready to fall/drool/salivates? Ahhh, are you ready to hit rock
bottom? are you ready to join Spongey and Patrick in Bikini Bottom?!

Everyone needs a drive or something to be passionate about to get through life. 
so now I'll give  you this, a virtual crush you can listen to
every single day, singing love songs and making 
you smile :')

this is a very first vidio that I stumbled  upon Gamal and Aundrey -.-''
I saw it on www.marlisa's supercool fasioh.blogspot. check her out!

that boy reminds me to0 someone??

OMG sedapkan suara mereka =P
Bagaimana? i suke suara (Aundrey)  tu.. admire dia..haha kiding only!

By mia Farrow's

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1. 16. 17. 62. 63.