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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

sekadar luahan perasaan

Dulu… I am a type of person who DONT do BLOGGING. I DO have a Blogspot account back then, but rarely update my blog. The reasons? Bz. Malas. Nothing to share. Bile dah masuk year 2010 tahun lepas ,
tetibe gatal nak buat blog. Haha. “New Year New Blog” maaa! Now I really enjoy blogging (Mungkin sebab bosan gila dok umah, and byk masa terluang). Every time I want to create a new post, I feel like my fingers are moving faster than my brain. Laju je menaip! Haha! Dulu bila baca blog orang, I was like “Ishhh.. Panjangya post minah/mamat ni. Byk ideas and thoughts dia. Rajin btol dia taip..” Skrg saya pulak =.=’ Sometimes I feel like blogging is like my therapy. Is this how therapy feels like??! walla !!

Have u ever heard a quotes saying, “If u want people to RESPECT u, u must RESPECT them first” or.. something like that?
Since I read about that quotes, saya terus berpegang pada prinsip itu. Dan betul, bila kita hormat seseorang, when we being nice with him/her, in the end he/she will respect us or treat us nicely. Berani cakap camni sebab penah rasa dan lalui =) Sbb penah terjadi dengan kawan-kawan, dengan cikgu2, sedara mara dan jugak dgn my  frienemy (Now we become very close like sisters. Alhamdulillah) who?? hahahha adelah >,<''

Tapi.. Penah jugak jadi the other way around.
like when Kita respect org tu. Kita trying to be nice dgn dia.kan, You know - cakap elok2, buat benda yang dia suka, gembirakan hati dia, tolong dia bila dia tengah susah, bagi hadiah or card kat dia (birthday), giving him/her motivation when he/she was down or having troubles. 

Tapi lain pulak dia balas kat kita. Bila kita tengah down, bila motivation kite was at the lowest level, all yang dia tahu is criticized u and judged u. Cakap itu ini. RESPECT? Mmg HARAM ah! Mmg takde sense of respect langsung. Jauh lagi nak treat kita nicely.
I am just a normal homo-sapien, of course I made mistakes. There are times I got screwed up. I have a dream, a really BIG dream. 

Then I came up with a plan. Kita hanya merancang, tapi Yang Maha Esa yang menentukannya. Saya percaya bahawa setiap orang telah ditetapkan rezeki masing-masing oleh Allah SWT. Cumanya persoalannya skrg rezeki kita tu - Banyak atau sedikit? Cepat atau lambat? Alhamdullillah, rezeki anda lagi murah dari saya. 

Saya pon bangga dan tumpang gembira melihat di mana anda berdiri sekarang. Saya sedar siapa saya. Sebab masa saya dulu, saya tak dpt peluang yang macam awak dapat.
Tapi janganlah sebab kejayaan yang awk kecapi skrg, dan sbb kat mana awak berdiri skrg, awak jadi lupa diri. Langsung tak hormat kat saya. Pandang saya pon sebelah mata, macam laa saya ni hina sgt. Awk kena ingat. “Life is like a wheel, sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down” and.. sometimes the grass isn’t greener.. 

Cuba anda tanya kat diri awk tu balik? Awk tu sentiasa di atas ke? Awk tu perfect sangat ke? Dah cukup bagus eh? Believe in karma, “What goes around comes around..” =.='' eyhh melebih pulak saya nie ..
Entahlah.. Its hard to satisfy and please everyone. yeah memang betul! 

Manusia nih tak penah puas hati kan? Kadang2 rasa buang masa je respect/treat org tu nicely, tapi ni yang dia balas kat kita? Penat je jaga hati orang, takot nanti tersalah cakap dia sedih ke, dia terasa ke. Tapi orang takde pulak nak jaga hati kita?
Life is cruel! REAL life is cruel!! 

Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Saya bersyukur sangat sebab mempunyai BFF yang sgt memahami saya dan be there for me when I need them MOST.  When I really need “a shoulder to cry on”, they always be there for me. Thanks!!! =)

P/S :  Hari ni saya hanya nak ketawa je 24/7, so better tgk cite “Valentine’s Day”.
Layan gile lirik lagu Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan.

“Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more
Before your life is over?

Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With the big fake smiles and stupid lies
Well deep inside you’re bleeding..”

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