Hai. Study week. Final Exam. Holiday, comming soon.
Cepatnya masa berlalu.
When I was in 13 years old, I used to be a very shy person with no confident at all. Nak jawab soklan matematik kat papan hitam pun malu-malu kambing. Terketar-ketar tangan.
Until one day....
When I sit in my classroom, I've found a small letter under my desk. Terkejut gila. I don't know why but I really want to read it. Be cool. Nervous nih. -.-
Guess what ? Cepat cepatttt. :P
Wow. Seronoknyaaaaa. Someone was trying to change me.
Dia cakap :
"As long as people has two hands and two legs, why should be scared ?
Trust yourself, make your best, please.You have to wake up.
Wake up lahhh,Amalia
Tak payah risau, because the rest is up to Allah."
Rupanya selama dalam kelas tuuu ada someone yang perhatikan aku. Sampai sekarang aku tak tau siapa yang hantar surat keramat tu. Tapi sampai sekarang aku tetap ingat ayat dalam surat tu walaupun surat tu dah hilang mana entah. :)
Sekarang sudah pun FINAL EXAM. Rasa semangat bila ingat balik ayat tu. Haha. Semangat nak dapat DEKAN ! :D
As long as people has two hands and two legs, why should be scared ?
Trust yourself, make your best, please.
You have to wake up.
Wake up lahhh.
Tak payah risau, because the rest is up to Allah.
owh, krenyW u xde confident level u still xok lh nie..kamu spttnyW prlu yakin ngn pe yg hndk kamu lakukan cOz xsmdh 2 kamu tros pndai sO, slalu lh practice 4 your confident level..ok my baby <3